During an event held this weekend for the television anime Gushing Over Magical Girls (Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete), an adaptation of the manga Akihiro Ononakaannounced on...
The popular anime Oshi no Ko has confirmed the production of its third season, news that excited the series' followers. Although specific details about the release...
Aoni Production, a major voice acting agency, has partnered with AI voice platform CoeFont Corporation to create AI-generated versions of the voices of renowned voice actors...
Look Back anime film’s director Kiyotaka Oshiyama has officially ruled out adapting Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Goodbye, Eri. This was confirmed during a Q&A session following a screening...
In an interesting development, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has dropped to not second but third rank in MyAnimeList. The series, which has long held the top spot,...
After eagerly awaiting Uzumaki for over five years and enduring multiple delays, there was a considerable hype when the anime finally started airing. However, there has...
Hideaki Anno announced that his company, Khara Inc., has secured the rights to produce a new anime film for the Space Battleship Yamato series. The announcement...
Japanese video game designer Hideo Kojima took to his official X account on Oct 5, 2024, to share his thoughts on the currently airing Dandadan anime,...
Kumamoto, the hometown of Eiichiro Oda, has unveiled a new traffic safety slogan inspired by One Piece series. Taking inspiration from Luffy’s iconic phrase “I’m going...
On Friday, October 4, the sixth chapter premiered with Latin dubbing of Helluva Bossthe popular animated series created by Vivziepop, and the big surprise for fans...