Hideaki Anno announced that his company, Khara Inc., has secured the rights to produce a new anime film for the Space Battleship Yamato series. The announcement...
Japanese video game designer Hideo Kojima took to his official X account on Oct 5, 2024, to share his thoughts on the currently airing Dandadan anime,...
Kumamoto, the hometown of Eiichiro Oda, has unveiled a new traffic safety slogan inspired by One Piece series. Taking inspiration from Luffy’s iconic phrase “I’m going...
On Friday, October 4, the sixth chapter premiered with Latin dubbing of Helluva Bossthe popular animated series created by Vivziepop, and the big surprise for fans...
Universal Studios Hollywood announced the addition of two anime franchises to its upcoming Universal Fan Fest Nights event on Oct 5, 2024. One Piece and Jujutsu...
A little less than 10 days after its premiere, streaming platforms Max and Netflix They have confirmed this Monday and Thursday respectively they will broadcast the...
Expanding to almost more than 50 titles, Crunchyroll announced this week 9 anime titles that will complete its Fall Season 2024which has already started. With an...
KADOKAWA announced the launch of the Wordless World Manga Contest, a competition inviting manga artists from across the globe to submit works without speech bubbles or...
Tohru Furuya, the long-time voice actor for Yamcha in the Dragon Ball series, has been replaced following a scandal that surfaced earlier this year. According to...
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Cour 3 is set to premiere on Oct 5, 2024, with episode 27, after a long-anticipated wait. The anime will resume exactly...