Emi Shinohara, known for voicing Sailor Jupiter in Sailor Moon, has passed away at the age of 61. Hey agency, 81 Produce, announced the news on...
The Apothecary Diaries manga illustrator Nekokurage confirmed that she will continue to work on the series. This was revealed in a statement released on her official...
After a few good months of waiting for its official announcement, and its US premiere via Max, Netflix finally confirmed this Monday the release date of...
On Thursday a Web page to reveal the next original anime of Sunrise titled Maebashi Witcheswhich is set to premiere in April 2025. The website has...
The next anime Goodbye, Dragon Life. (Sayonara Ryūsei, Konnichiwa Jinsei) recently received a new trailer, in which, in addition to presenting its final theme song, it...
Through its official Twitter account, exciting news has been revealed about the long-awaited animated adaptation of the manga “I Have a Crush at Work”The series, which...
Jujutsu Kaisen 0, the prequel to Jujutsu Kaisen series, is getting a stage play adaptation, set to debut in December in Tokyo. Titled ‘Stage Jujutsu Kaisen...
The official website of Bleach announced on Sep 8, 2024, that the third cour of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War will start airing on Oct 5, 2024....
Keigo, the bassist for the Japanese rock band Novelbright, has praised Takeru Hokazono’s Kagurabachi manga and expressed an interest in creating the theme song for its anime adaptation....
Every day closer to its release, and after 5 years of quite a wait, Adult Swim presented this Thursday a new trailer for the supernational horror...