Look Back anime film’s director Kiyotaka Oshiyama has officially ruled out adapting Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Goodbye, Eri. This was confirmed during a Q&A session following a screening...
Aniplex announced this Monday, during the broadcast of the Aniplex Online Fest, that CloverWorks is adapting the manga of The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity (Kaoru...
The livestream event «MF Bunko J Natsu no Gakuensai 2024» (MF Bunko J Summer School Festival 2024) held on Sunday revealed that the anime Classroom of...
In a statement shared by Eiichiro Oda on Aug 20, it was revealed that the much anticipated One Piece Live-Action season 2 will cover Loguetown, Reverse...
Following the airing of episode 19, Spice & Wolf‘s reboot anime, titled Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF, revealed that it the will enter...
In a behind-the-scenes video released by Netflix Anime, fans were given a rare glimpse into the production of the highly anticipated THE ONE PIECE anime by...
While fans dubbed Dandadan as the next big obsession following its recent world premiere at Anime Expo 2024, the creative process, vision and challenges that went...
The Jujutsu Kaisen panel at Anime Expo 2024, which was attended by director Shota Goshozono, Itadori’s VA Junya Enoki and MAPPA producer Keisuke Seshimo, had some...