Akira Toriyama, the legendary manga creator and author of the world-famous Dragon Ball series, has passed away aged 68. The news was announced in a statement by the...
Anime fans have a reason to get excited this summer, as the iconic film “Akira” will return to the catalog of Netflix the next August 1stThis...
Akria Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise is reportedly at the centre of a complex battle for control following the death of the mangaka. While the series continues...
Akira Kanai, renowned manga editor known for his work on Vinland Saga, Ajin: Demi-Human, and Planetes, has taken a firm stance against letting political correctness influence...
Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, almost ended his manga Dr. Slump early due to the overwhelming popularity of Hisashi Eguchi’s Stop!! Hibari-kun! manga, according...