Shochiku announced on Friday that the animated adaptation of the light novel series The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows (Isshun de Chiryō Shiteita no...
Shogakukan announced this Friday X/Twitter that the manga Hotel Inhumans of Ao Tajima will inspire a television anime in 2025. The announcement comes accompanied by its...
Kodokawa officially announced the production of a second season for the anime Oblivion Battery (Bōkyaku Battery)based on the baseball manga by Eko Mikawa. Although specific details...
Part 1 of the final chapter of Beastars‘ anime, “Beastars Final Season” will begin streaming exclusively on Netflix from December 5th. Beastars, based on the award...
Bandai Namco Filmworks announced this Wednesday that the manga Otherworldly Munchkin: Let's Speedrun the Dungeon with Only 1 HP (Isekai Munchkin: HP 1 no Mama de...
It has been confirmed that the animated adaptation of the manga Rock is a Lady's Modesty (Rock wa Lady no Tashinamideshite) will hit the screens in...
The manga Otherworldly Munchkin: Let’s Speedrun the Dungeon with Only 1 HP! written by Yu Shimizu, illustrated by Makoto Aogiri and serialized in Kodansha’s Suiyoubi no...
A new report from the United Nations has claimed that manga, anime, and video games produced in Japan promote gender stereotypes and violence against women and...