The Rose Of Versailles anime film, which was originally announced in 2022, revealed its much awaited updates, including a new trailer, key visual, cast and staff...
Anime Limited kicks off the new year with an ode to the power of music based on the award-winning manga London, UK, 21 December 2023 – Jazz...
In a recent interview, George Wada, CEO of WIT Studio and Production I.G, said that The One Piece which is currently under production at WIT, will...
Hayao Miyazaki’s latest film The Boy and the Heron has become the first anime of any kind to have reached the BAFTA shortlist. The Studio Ghibli...
Magic Knight Rayearth, one of the manga collective CLAMP’s first major successes and one of the first wave of isekai series, is being adapted for a...
Following the broadcast of today’s chapter, and through a press release, the production of a second season for the animated adaptation of the manga “Sentai Daishikkaku...
Toei Animation announced on their official X account that the One Piece Mugiwara Store will be coming to the United States. This will be the first...
Fans of Chainsaw Man creator Tatsuki Fujimoto have been buzzing with excitement following the recent discovery of a new web domain, “”. Many believe this could...