Hajime Isayama’s Attack On Titan manga will celebrate its 15th anniversary of serialization on Sep 9, 2024, with exciting announcements. New projects are expected to be...
Weekly Shonen Jump is gearing up to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Hokazono Takeru’s Kagurabachi in its upcoming issue #40, set to release on Sep 2,...
Two new projects have been announced to celebrate the success of the Haikyu!! movie and the 10th anniversary of the anime series. The first project is...
Get ready for excitement and adventure! The universe of Gundam Seed comes back to life with the new release “Gundam Seed Freedom”, the highest-grossing film in...
A sequel to the hit anime Tokyo Revengers was announced on June 16, 2024, much to the delight of the fans of the series. The announcement...
Iconic pirate anime One Piece is celebrating its 25th anniversary with an exhibition titled “One Piece Emotion,” and now fans can get excited with a brand...
It’s been 10 years since hit volleyball anime Haikyu!! first aired, and they’re celebrating in style with a project that includes special visuals, and exhibition, and...
Popular anime Bleach has kicked off its 20th anniversary project! The anime first aired on October 5, 2004. During its 20th anniversary year, fans can look...