Aniplex has presented a new promotional video of Ameku MD: Doctor Detective (Ameku Takao's Detective Card or, literally, Ameku Takao's Mystery Medical Record), the television anime...
The next anime Goodbye, Dragon Life. (Sayonara Ryūsei, Konnichiwa Jinsei) recently received a new trailer, in which, in addition to presenting its final theme song, it...
SEGA of America and the study Ryu Ga Gotoku They bring the beloved series for the first time Yakuza to Nintendo Switch with Yakuza Kiwami. Experience...
SYNDUALITY Echo Of Ada of Bandai Namco Entertainment America Incwill soon be back in the hands of players, updated for its next release with a Closed...
The winners of the first American Manga Awards were announced at Japan Society’s Lila Acheson Wallace Auditorium on Aug 22, 2024. The American Manga Awards aim...
Two new projects have been announced to celebrate the success of the Haikyu!! movie and the 10th anniversary of the anime series. The first project is...
The official website from the upcoming television anime adaptation of A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! (Yōkai Gakkō no Sensei Hajimemashita!) has announced that the premiere...
Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. announces the latest addition to the gaming universe Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Project: Multialong with details for the upcoming regional beta test....