The Apothecary Diaries manga illustrator Nekokurage confirmed that she will continue to work on the series. This was revealed in a statement released on her official...
In a recent episode of the Weekly Dragon Ball NewsToyotaro, the illustrator behind Dragon Ball Superhinted that the story of the legendary Saiyan warrior is far...
After the exciting season finale of Kaiju No. 8 broadcast this Saturday, June 29, the production of a sequel to the successful anime series produced by...
The anime team Wind Breakerbased on Satoru Nii’s street fighting manga, announced Thursday that the anime will get a second season in 2025, which probably shouldn’t...
During a special event for the television anime The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You (Kimi no koto ga Dai Dai Dai...
The mission continues! The anime team SPY x FAMILY revealed on Sunday that the anime will have a third season, something that perhaps shouldn’t surprise us...