In a behind-the-scenes video released by Netflix Anime, fans were given a rare glimpse into the production of the highly anticipated THE ONE PIECE anime by...
The distinct animation style and visual feel of the anime Look Back captured the attention of viewers when it premiered in Japanese theaters, earning widespread praise....
While fans dubbed Dandadan as the next big obsession following its recent world premiere at Anime Expo 2024, the creative process, vision and challenges that went...
TMS Entertainment has shared an exclusive message from director Masaki Watanabe regarding the upcoming Sakamoto Days anime adaptation. In the message, Watanabe expressed his enthusiasm and...
The premiere of the third season of the anime “Re:ZERO – Starting Life in Another World“It promises to be a highlight on the calendar of genre...
Masahiro Shinohara, the new director of Re:Zero season 3 shed light on what fans can expect from the upcoming season in a recent interview with Anime...
During Look Back‘s panel at Anime Expo 2024, the anime film’s director Kiyotaka Oshiyama shared some behind-the-scenes insights, including the challenges faced in the international film...
The Jujutsu Kaisen panel at Anime Expo 2024, which was attended by director Shota Goshozono, Itadori’s VA Junya Enoki and MAPPA producer Keisuke Seshimo, had some...