My Hero Academia voice actor Elizabeth Maxwell expressed her disappointment over the handling of her character, Midnight’s, final scene in the anime. Speaking to ComicBook during...
BBC iPlayer is set to become the exclusive home of the ONE PIECE anime’s English dub in the United Kingdom. The corporation announced this morning that they have...
Mainichi Broadcasting System Inc. announced the full English dub voice cast for the upcoming Dandadan anime on Aug 25, 2024. Joining the previously announced Abby Trott...
Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc. revealed the English voice cast for the upcoming Dandadan anime on July 29, 2024. Abby Trott will voice Momo, and AJ Beckles...
Chainsaw Man chapter 171 featured the return of the Chainsaw Devil as Pochita took control of Denji’s body. While that certainly was the highlight of the...
Crunchyroll announced on June 25, 2024, that they will start streaming the English dub of Demon Slayer: Hashira Training Arc on the platform from June 30,...
NYAV Post, a renowned recording studio in New York and Los Angeles specializing in English localization, announced on June 17, 2024, that the highly anticipated English...
Seven Seas Entertainment has announced that they have acquired the license for the slice-of-life Boy Love manga ‘My Boyfriend is a Dog’ (Inukei no Kareshi) by...