Unleash your inner metalhead with our collection of Aggretsuko memes. This gallery is a tribute to the adorable yet fierce red panda, Retsuko, who navigates the...
Hunter x Hunter is one of those shows that brings constant pain to its audience. Every year we pray for the continuation of the anime –...
A person’s childhood can often explain a lot about the people they later become. And unfortunately, it isn’t always a happy tale. This goes double in...
Very few anime genres will scratch that power fantasy itch as well as isekai shows. After all, nine times out of ten, the protagonist goes from...
If you love shows about superheroes and you also love anime – odds are you’re a My Hero Academia fan. Beyond the flashy fights and hype...
The work that goes into every character in JoJo’s is nothing short of insane. From the visual design to the VO and writing – they always...
When someone mentions My Hero Academia, you’re naturally going to imagine some of its heavy fitters – like Deku, Bakugo, or Shigaraki. And it makes sense....
Although as a community we’ve all agreed that Boruto doesn’t exist, Naruto is somehow still the talk of the anime town. And if you ask me,...