Naoko Yamada’s original animated feature film Kimi No Iro (The Colors Within), currently screening in Japan, has been officially selected for the A Window on Asian...
GKIDS has officially announced that Look Back, directed by Kiyotaka Oshiyama and based on the manga by Chainsaw Man creator Tatsuki Fujimoto, will hit theaters across...
More action awaits us in Middle Earth: Warner Bros. has published the trailer for the animated feature film The Lord of the Rings: The War of...
Through a press release, the long-awaited development of a film starring the virtual idol “Hatsune Miku” has been confirmed. The film, titled “Project Sekai – The...
The Mononoke anime film has been confirmed to be a trilogy. This was revealed on the official X account of the anime on July 28, 2024,...
Anime fans have a reason to get excited this summer, as the iconic film “Akira” will return to the catalog of Netflix the next August 1stThis...
This weekend the distributor Madness Entertainment announced the distribution in Mexican movie theaters of the film Look Backa title that has recently been released in Japanese...
During Look Back‘s panel at Anime Expo 2024, the anime film’s director Kiyotaka Oshiyama shared some behind-the-scenes insights, including the challenges faced in the international film...