Bandai Namco just released several trailers for Bleach Rebirth of Souls revealing gameplay footage and move sets of the Thirteen Courts Guard Squadron, fearsome warriors of...
Warner Bros. Japan presented this Friday a new trailer for the CG anime film and sequel to Batman Ninja, Batman Ninja Vs. Yakuza Leaguein which more...
ATLUS has shared a trailer highlighting Metis, the new android companion in the Episode Aigis -The Answer – of Persona 3 Reload. The trailer also features...
The official website from the romantic comedy Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms (Kuroiwa Medaka and Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsujinai) revealed the anime’s first...
The official website from television anime DanDaDanan adaptation of eccentric manga Yukinobu Tatsuunveiled this Monday the second promotional video for this “mysterious paranormal battle” and “romantic...
Tata Play, a leading direct-to-home (DTH) service provider in India, has launched Anime Local, a new ad-free platform offering Japanese anime dubbed in three local languages...