The Web page for the sequel anime Demon Lord, Retry! R revealed this week that the series will premiere on October 5 and information about its...
An exciting sequel announcement for Solo Leveling has left fans even more hyped for any information on Season 2 of the new anime. Debuting as one...
Through its official website, the production of a sequel to the anime has been confirmed. Undead Unluckwhich will consist of a special one-hour episode that will...
The anime franchise team Given has presented this Monday the first trailer of Given: Umi and (Given The Movie: To the Sea), the final film in...
Almost 10 years after its original release, sci-fi anime film Expelled from Paradise now has a sequel film confirmed! Titled Liberated from Paradise: Kokoro no Resonance,...
Dark fantasy anime Dorohedoro is officially getting a sequel! The sequel anime will be released as a streaming series. While a teaser visual was revealed along...
Great Pretender, an original anime by Wit Studio, has confirmed a sequel series that will be released worldwide in 2024! Titled Great Pretender: Razbliuto, the sequel...