The official website from the new anime adaptation of the manga Yaiba of GoshÅ Aoyama (creator of Detective Conan) confirmed on Wednesday that the production is...
The anime team Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective (Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri), based on the crime mystery manga by Akira Amano, revealed a new promotional video...
The 27th feature film of Detective Conan anime series, titled Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Pentagram, has set a new box office record. The film has...
In a recent interview with Bunshun, Gosho Aoyama revealed that he nearly ended Detective Conan manga due to persistant interference from the editorial department. This revelation...
The diminutive Detective Conan has teamed up with iconic monsters Godzilla and King Kong for a collab visual and video promoting both of their films! Originally...
A teaser visual penned by the original manga’s author, Gosho Aoyama, was also revealed. In addition to capturing Heiji as he confesses his feelings to Wakaba,...